Dare, Share, Create - The Podcast with Elisabeth Valentine
Conversations, concepts and insights from people who have dared to go after their dreams, who share their gifts with the world, and who have created the life that they want. This podcast aims to free you from whatever is holding you back, spark transformation and give you the courage, inspiration, permission and tools to live your best, most inspired and fulfilled life, so you can make the biggest positive impact in the world. Hosted by Elisabeth Valentine, Danish born London based voiceover artist, singer, speaker and coach.
Dare, Share, Create - The Podcast with Elisabeth Valentine
#27 - How to thrive in life with Cara Cunniff
Elisabeth Valentine / Cara Cunniff
Season 2
Episode 27
Today's guest is Cara Cunniff. She’s the founder of Thrive In Midlife, an entrepreneur and former British Army Reserve Officer. She’s got a passion for people & leadership, is an Endurance athlete and created Thrive in Midlife to coach and unlock the ambitions of midlife professionals, moving them from survive to thrive.
In this episode we talk about being ok with change, decisions, reframing negative "what if's", choices and getting clear on how we CAN control more than we think we can.
Cara shares her insights into how you create a life that you're thriving in. which is something we all want right?
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