Dare, Share, Create - The Podcast with Elisabeth Valentine
Dare, Share, Create - The Podcast with Elisabeth Valentine
#32- Men, mindset and becoming with Mason Dyson Roberts
In this episode my guest is Mason Dyson Roberts, an entrepreneur, a former Mixed Martial Arts athlete and now a Men's holistic performance coach, and speak and coach in companies like Apple, Marvel and
Coming from an inner London tough upbringing, Mason shares his story of going from living a life that often felt like a struggle, is supposed to be hard, feeling low, stressed and burnt out is normal and you're supposed to get on with it. But for the past 10 years he’s done the work on himself to liberate himself from those beliefs and has transformed his life and now helps others do the same.
In this conversation we talk about
- The mindset of men and their biggest fears and challenges.
- struggles being an opportunity to change
-How to overcome overthinking and worrying
- Equality between men and women
- Masks, facades and hiding who we really are
- External vs internal validation
- Vulnerability
Find Mason on instagram @masons_mindset_ or on LinkedIn at Mason Anthony Dyson Roberts
Here's the link to the Alan Watts video about falling in love